Magento Commerce​

Experience-driven Commerce!

Magento Commerce, now known as Adobe Commerce, is incredibly variable and highly scalable. Integrated B2B features, cloud hosting options, analysis, and marketing tools along with the latest AI technologies, of course, optimizes your business and prepares it for the future.

magento commerce
Why you would choose

Magento Commerce

Creating holistic, digital shopping experiences

Manage national or international purchasing platforms

Integrate Smart AI features

Deal with Large E-commerce scenarios

Function with different languages & currencies

Get Started Today!

Turn your ideas into a business opportunity

Aktiv's Magento Development services

End-To-End Ecommerce Solution

Consulting and Customer Research

Competent evaluation of your business needs and target audience

Magento UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Considering all the business aspects, we emphasize designing responsive, visually interactive, and customer-oriented designs to help you reach the target audience.

website optimization

Website Optimization

We help you rescue stalled, complex, and poorly executed code while turning them into ROI-positive, efficient eCommerce sites.

magento migration

Magento Migration

We deliver the best solution and provide a business strategy that makes you a full professional.

Magento UI/UX Design

Integration and Extensions

We have had performed more than 500+ integrations with Magento Commerce to match exact business needs.

magento support & Maintenance

Maintenance and Support

Uninterrupted support for-- Bug / Issue Fixing / Code Review, Functionality Enhancement, User Training, Version Upgrade, Server Monitoring.

Aktiv in Numbers

1 +
Magento Experts
10 +
Projects Delievered
1 +
Certified Developers
1 +
Extension Developed

Our Clients

Driving technology for leading brands

apex energy
